Nutritionists are convinced that a protein diet for weight loss allows you not only to fit into a smaller size, but also to lose weight. Yes, relatively little - you need to last 2 weeks. But diet also has its pitfalls.
How is this diet different from the rest
Medically approved human diet contains 12% protein. This is enough for an active life and a healthy body. At least 1 g of "pure" protein per 1 kg of human weight.
A protein diet is based on reducing food, carbohydrate and fat intake. That is,the percentage of daily protein consumed by a person increases.
Protein takes four hours to digest to ensure you feel full during the day. You will not go hungry on such a diet.
List of approved products:
- lean meats (skinless chicken or turkey fillet, veal, rabbit);
- reduced fat milk (also say vegan milk - soy milk);
- chicken or quail eggs (it is better to use only protein);
- "dry" fish varieties (hake, pollock, cod, carp, pike);
- seafood (shrimp - yes, crab sticks - no, these are carbohydrates);
- soy products (tofu cheese, soy meatballs or goulash, sprouted soy salad);
- legumes (peas, beans, beans, lentils);
- oatmeal, quinoa;
- vegetables such as brussels sprouts, broccoli;
- seeds (champion in protein content - pumpkin seeds);
- nuts.
Bread and flour products, sweets, high-fat foods, alcohol, soda are prohibited.

Protein Alternative
The Atkins diet and the Kremlin diet are based on a similar diet. Such diets are also effective (as evidenced by repeated examples of celebrities praising protein nutrition in interviews), but it is difficult to call them the healthiest. People who lose weight often end up saying, "I couldn't help myself, I lost. "
The fact is that these diets exclude carbohydrates. And since these foods are needed by the body, a person will constantly dream of sweets until the thought of sweets or cakes becomes an obsession.
Duja's diet is also protein (especially Phase 1 - Attack). However, in this case, the analysis warns of kidney problems. You should never break your drinking regimen on this diet, and if your kidneys have been lethargic in the past (sand or stones have been found in this organ, and you have a history of "lying" chronic disease), it's best not to take risks and lose weight in another way.
How does such nutrition benefit the body?
Proteins, they are proteins - these are the "bricks" on which the human body is built. Digestion converts them into amino acids, without which muscle growth, proper production of hormones and the liver is impossible. A person who consumes very little protein suffers from chronic fatigue, decreased performance, and inability to build beautiful muscle relaxation while playing sports.
That is, a lot of protein is not only the absence of hunger, but also strength, beauty, health.
Dietary Process
- Unlike mono-diets, protein nutrition delightswith a large list of allowed foods. If you compare it to the "hungry" ways to lose weight (for example, the Japanese or French diet), this dish is more and you will not have to fight the constant appetite.
- Necessary products are sold in every supermarket.
- The body gets used to small partsso that the body will not need to eat a "bowl" even after leaving the diet.
- You lose weight not because of muscle loss, but because of melted fat(so a protein diet is suitable not only for women but also for men).
- The menu is delicious. Salad meats and seafood are not bad onion or celery soups, hard-boiled buckwheat and other dubious pleasures of mono-diet.
- The result is fixed. If the weight returns, only after 6-8 months.
- Protein strengthens bones. Protein diet is an effective prevention of osteoporosis.
But don't forget thedrinking regimen. The mandatory allowance of 1. 5-2 liters per day is a guarantee of fresh health, tightened skin (even with a loss of 5-6 kg), healthy kidney function.
Important: In the first days of the diet, the body loses a lot of water (hence the protein regime is called "dehydration"). Drink plenty of fluids to restore moisture loss. However, in the coming days, the body needs clean water: the liquid will help to eliminate toxins released during the "melting" of fat reserves.
Disadvantages and Contraindications
- Protein diets are unlikely to be suitable for vegetarians because they are based on regular consumption of animal products. Of course, you can try to get out by eating a lot of soy substitutes (vegan sausages and meatballs) and legumes. But at the same time, there will be no choice in the diet, so it will soon be boring.
- This diet is slow. You can also lose "protein" in a week, but this weight will not be corrected. Lose weight in 2 weeks to get a more or less decent result.
- The diet is strictly contraindicated for people suffering from liver and kidney disease. Suffering from arthritis, osteoarthritis and other joint diseases, problems with the gastrointestinal tract (chronic pancreatitis, dysbiosis, colitis), heart problems (arrhythmia) are also at risk. It is worth giving up a protein diet for pregnant and lactating women.
- Although it is believed that this is not a "hungry" diet, it is impossible to eat protein from the "stomach". That is, you will have to limit yourself by measuringsmall portions and refraining from overeating.
- Due to a decrease in the amount of sugar in the diet, a person may experience inability to concentrate on work, reduced ability to work, and unreasonable mood swings. Mental labor will be especially difficult for people.
- Such a diet is weak in terms of fiber in addition to carbohydrates. And for such a diet, the body will "take revenge" on constipation. Drinking often (but pouring clean still water instead of tea) will help solve this problem. Also, add fresh herbs, vegetables, bran, lettuce, cottage cheese, diet wholemeal bread.
Can a protein food be harmful?
Yes, if a person behaves a lot by giving up carbohydrates completely. It is true that we get fat from them, but we needcarbohydrates for muscle strengthening, proper cell division, mental activity and the same physical endurance.
In addition, an increase in the amount of protein in thediet leads to the appearance of sand and kidney stones, which constantly overloads the body. So, prolonging your protein diet (even if you really like the diet) is not worth it.
By the way: it is believed that if a person goes in for sports on a protein diet (including strength training), the loss of large amounts of protein will be minimized.
Remember when you start to lose weight. . .
- Don't go hungry. Hungry - cook! You can drink a snack, but - only light vegetables or protein foods allowed.
- Drinking with food. And not 2-3 sips, but up to 2 glasses of water. The fluid will help your stomach absorb heavy foods.
- Avoid fat(completely if possible). Do not grease the salad.
- If you find you are eating small amounts of fruits and vegetables, don't hesitate - addvitamin supplementsto your diet.
- Complete your diet with exercise.This is not only possible, but also necessary, because fitness and shaping will accelerate the weight loss process.
- Fractional meals are desirable, divide the daily meal into 6 meals.
- You can repeat this diet after 4 months, but better later.
- The desired daily caloric value is700 kcal, maximum 1200 kcal. Remember: daily energy needs are different for a small woman and a tall muscular man. If 700-800 kcal is enough for the first, such a diet will "kill" health, the norm is at least 1200 kcal or more.
- The menu should be balanced: combine plant and animal proteins.
What to cook all week
The simplest menu for a week and 14 days does not require standing in the oven for a long time (after all, long cooking is a constant "sampling" and anorexia). Minimum or better - use products with zero fat content.
But: it can be difficult to buy diet food in supermarkets or cafes. Therefore, it is better to prepare dinner in advance, at home (morning or evening), take it with you to the office in a bowl and heat it there.
Breakfast: quick thoughts
Eat breakfast 30 minutes after getting up.
- A piece of cottage cheese with honey and sugar. You can make the dish more appetizing with 2–3 tablespoons berries, a handful of seeds or garlic and herbs. It is often not possible to allow fruits (eg raisins) to dry. But bananas, grapes or honey should not be added to cottage cheese - these products contain a lot of carbohydrates.
- Omelette with spinach and / or broccoli.
- Egg climbing. The recipe for this dish is simple: the eggs are broken into a cold pot, butter is added, the pot is put on fire. The eggs are mixed. When they cool, remove the whipped cream on a plate and sprinkle with herbs. . . Yes, it's the same omelet, but from Gordon Ramsay! But it is rarely worth cooking, because the recipe contains fat.
- Sandwich: A slice of wholemeal bread without fat + boiled chicken breast + lettuce leaves.
- Chicken (boiled, baked) + fresh carrot and apple salad with lemon juice.
- Chicken broccoli soup.
- Unsweetened oatmeal + protein omelet (1 egg yolk can be left for 3 proteins).
You need abreakfastto have dinner. The protein diet does not prohibit this.
Give yourself 2-3 fruits. The body will have time to move in the first half of the day and will be saturated with completely depleted fructose and "fast" carbohydrates.
But since the diet is protein, you need to choose the right snacks: a protein cocktail, a slice of low-fat cheese, boiled egg white, a smoothie with soy milk, grated carrots with sour cream dressing.
Lunch: Easy to take
- Lentil soup (you can cook it for 2 days and puree the next day so that you don't miss the soup and add light sour cream).
- Steak + vegetable salad (no potatoes and corn).
- One serving of wholemeal noodles (or durum wheat pasta) + vegetables + tofu.
- Light shrimp salad.
- Grilled turkey (fillet) + green salad.
- Boiled chicken fillet + a piece of mushrooms (cooked without sauce, baked or baked, including grilled). These dishes can be prepared in double quantities by putting half of them for dinner.
- Steamed chicken meatballs + rice garnish (maximum 5 tablespoons).
Some nutritionists also allow the cooking of salmon fillets, but not more than 75 grams per serving.
After lunchafternoon snackis important (or snack # 2). In this case, try to avoid carbohydrates and fats. Crush with fresh cucumber or 2-3 lettuce leaves.
Hazelnuts are also an excellent solution. This product contains a lot of protein (especially peanuts, almonds, peanuts), but has fewer calories, so eat a little, but do not mix it with nuts. The maximum daily dose is 30 g of hazelnuts. It is desirable that this product is neither fried nor salted.
Lunch: Hey Easy!
- Chicken fillet + celery salad (all kinds).
- Falafel + Green Salad. Important: Falafel recipes require you to lubricate it deeply. But this is not your choice, because you lose weight. Bake pea balls in the oven so it will sometimes come out to reduce the calorie content of dinner.
- Fried rabbit + quinoa garnish.
- Mussels cooked in tomato sauce.
- Boiled beans + steamed lean fish fillet.
- Boiled or canned tuna + a serving of seaweed.
- Protein omelet from 3-4 eggs + fresh tomatoes.
- Salad of boiled proteins and fresh vegetables.
- Boiled beef meatballs + a glass of tomato juice.
- Part of a curd cheese casserole (without sugar, dried fruit, eggs and 2-3 tablespoons of semolina).
- Baked apples with cottage cheese and cinnamon.
There is no need to postpone the meal.Finish 3 hours before bed.
However, you should not sleep on your hands. If you "spoon" before going to bed, a glass of low-fat kefir, "empty" yogurt, whipped milk.
Don't go on a diet
Don't rush to buy sweets and fast food!
First, cook everything as before, but start pouring vegetable oil over salads.(sesame, olive). Also pay attention to coconut oil - porridge can be used to taste and is also fried in this oil. At the same time, coconut oil saturates the body with vitamins, but contains fewer calories.
Apply 100 kcal per day until you return to the "pre-diet" diet. . . However, if you've gained extra weight, you've probably already adjusted and won't eat like that anymore!
And don't forget to include morefiberin your diet (champions in this food - bran, pears, avocados, apples, beets, artichokes, chia seeds). Your task is to quickly clean the "stagnant" intestines.
Experience of those who lost weight (and those who did not)
Positive Feedback
- The diet works, the weight is gone.
- Don't leave the gym.
- There is no hunger. He was hungry - he immediately took out some protein from the "garbage cans". If you could not go in the day before and cook something for yourself, snacks for this diet are sold at gas stations and in small shops near the house (cereals, nuts, dried meat snacks, dried fish fillets or squid rings, salted or canned).
- The experience of weight loss in 100% plant protein was described (the basis of such a diet was to triple the amount of lentils, soy meat, as well as dairy products).
- In addition to losing weight, you can gain attractive muscles, pump the abdomen, tighten your waist.
- After losing weight, the volume in the waist and hips disappeared, but the bust remained unchanged.
Weight loss women also call the protein diet"beauty diet"because it reduces the appearance of cellulite, refreshes the face, tightens the skin, eliminates acne and blackheads. Finally, sleep is especially sweet and sound during this period, and healthy sleep also has a positive effect on appearance.
And "cherries on the cake":Positive feedback on a protein diet - 95% of total weight.
Criticism and scattered illusions
- If you don't sell a rabbit in your store and rarely buy turkey, you should build the whole menu on chicken. As a result, by the end of the second week, you no longer want to look at this meat.
- People with high blood pressure jump high in protein.
- Some people are always craving sweets.
- If you stay away from the diet and tighten it, protein poisoning will begin. This condition can be perceived by the characteristic body odor that occurs when- acetone is released from the skin. The smell is gone - we urgently "bend the fish sticks" and introduce fiber, glucose.
- If you need to lose weight to the maximum, you should count the calories in the diet and weigh the portions.