When you are overweight, a person begins to look for a suitable diet to lose weight. The Ducan diet is very popular among men and women because it is not forbidden. The basic principle of the diet is to use only approved foods. The stages of the Ducan diet last from two days to six months, during which time you must follow a different menu for a different phase. Suitable products for each period will be discussed in detail.
What is the Ducan Diet
The principle of the shop nutrition system is very hilarious: you can eat and lose weight without restrictions. However, not all foods are allowed. The famous French doctor Pierre Dukan, who developed this nutrition system, claims that people have the opportunity to eat normal amounts without gaining weight. To do this, you need to teach your body to use not only carbohydrates and fats as fuel, but also proteins.
According to Ducan, the main requirement for weight stabilization is to follow this rule for the rest of your life: spend one day a week only on protein foods. The rest of the time, you are allowed to eat any food after the ideal individual weight has been established. Pierre Ducan believes that each person's weight should be in line with age, height and many other personal parameters, rather than the requirements of fashion.
Basic Rules
The principles of the Ducan Diet are based on the division of the diet into 4 stages. The first two stages are aimed at ensuring that the person does not lose weight again. Normal weight is reached at the end of the second stage. The third step is to combine the results. The problem with excess weight is the preservation of results. Anyone can easily lose weight, but after a while you lose weight again. When weight is returned, the body's sensitivity to any diet decreases. The third stage is used to solve the problem. The fourth stage continues for the rest of your life.

The first phase of the Ducan diet is the shortest - between 2 and 7 days. The duration depends on the initial weight of the body losing weight. For those who want to lose some weight, two days is enough, and for very obese people it is recommended to stop on a protein diet for a week.
The second stage takes longer. Some people are able to gain the desired weight in 2 weeks, while others need six months.
The third step should be based on 10 days for each kilogram lost. For example, if he weighed 5 kg, this phase of the Ducan diet will last 50 days.
Ducan System
According to Pierre Ducan, the consumption of protein products gives people surprising results for weight loss. To prevent weight gain, you should follow two rules: take twenty-minute walks every day and consume 3 tablespoons of oat bran every day. These are not so strict dietary rules to have a beautiful figure and feel great. Let's take a closer look at all the stages of the Ducan diet.
Stage 1 Attack
The main purpose of the first stage of the Ducan diet is to start the process of fat burning in the human body. In addition to the permitted food, you can drink coffee, tea, herbal medicines in reasonable quantities. Vegetable oil (olive, sunflower), soy sauce, balsamic vinegar are allowed in salad dressings. The use of spices, tomato paste and sweeteners is acceptable. If you like curd and meat dishes, seafood, fish and eggs, the attack phase will be the most delicious period of the diet.
Approved products
What can you eat, what are the pros and cons of the offensive phase? Long-term protein intake can adversely affect kidney health. However, 2-7 days of such a diet will help the body to relax and adapt to weight loss.
Thus, the allowed products of the Attack phase:
- Meat.Low-fat varieties are accepted: rabbit, turkey, chicken, horse meat, beef. Sometimes it is allowed to eat the intestinal organism: kidneys, liver, tongue.
- egg white.Chicken is allowed, but quail is better. It is advisable to minimize the consumption of yolks during the diet.
- Fish, seafood.Everything is allowed. It is better to steam, boil or boil. Canned meat and fish, fried foods are not allowed.
- Fermented milk and dairy products.All products are allowed, but fat-free - up to 0, 5%. You can not use dairy products with added sugar and artificial additives.
- Hazelnuts.You can take 1 handful daily, but instead of vegetable oil.
- Flax seeds.3 teaspoons a day is desirable.

Approximate description of meals for the day in the first stage:
- Breakfast:low-fat cottage cheese, grilled chicken breast (200 g), milk and coffee without sugar;
- dinner: Crab sticks or oat bran
- dinner:spicy Mongolian beef, low-fat yogurt;
- afternoon tea:cinnamon pancakes;
- Dinner:Garlic shrimp, chicken pieces, green tea.
Phase 2 Alternation
If you haven't seen a doctor before starting the first phase of the diet, it's helpful to have blood tests for cholesterol and sugar at this stage. With good results, you can move on to the second phase of the Dukan diet, called Cruise. Developed to achieve instant weight loss. There are no restrictions on the amount and frequency of meals during the rotation phase. The highlight of the second phase of the Ducan diet is the change in protein and protein-vegetable days. We must not forget the drinking regime (about 2 liters of water per day).
Approved products
Oat bran is definitely in the diet. The protein products used are the same as those allowed in the first stage. Vegetables are added to them:
- all kinds of cabbage;
- eggplant;
- pumpkin;
- leeks and onions;
- cucumber;
- carrots;
- is a beet;
- spinach;
- celery;
- radish, turnip;
- bell pepper;
- asparagus;
- tomato;
- leafy salads;
- beans (green, green beans);
- pumpkin;
- soy;
- turkey.
At this stage it is allowed to prepare desserts that can be used as a snack. Any fruit is forbidden because it contains natural sugar.
Sample menu of the second stage for the day:
- breakfast:foil, liver pate, cocoa baked vegetables;
- lunch:curd blancmange;
- dinner:seafood soup, lean veal boiled with ketchup (200 g), asparagus beans;
- Afternoon snack:oatmeal cookies;
- Dinner:Boiled mussels or dill, oysters with ginger lemonade.
Phase 3 Consolidation
The main purpose of the phase is to get out of the diet in the most subtle way. The third stage of the Dukan diet is to adapt the lost weight as comfortably as possible to the new diet. In humans, metabolic processes are stabilized, the work of the digestive system is normalized, the parameters of the figure are normalized. While the previous stages of the Ducan diet were monotonous, the third stage has a different menu. It is already very easy to withstand the package, the main thing is to eat within reasonable limits.
Approved products

What can be added to the diet during the consolidation phase:
- Fruit.One snack is allowed for each snack. If we are talking about strawberries or raspberries, a small portion, watermelon or melon - a slice. Dried fruits are strictly forbidden.
- Whole grain bread.It is preferable to use products containing bran or rye flour. No more than 2 slices per day is allowed.
- Hard cheeses.The fat content of the product should not exceed 50%. You can eat 40 grams a day.
- Meat, hunting, poultry.Each species is allowed to be consumed more than once a week.
- Starchy foods.Status Pasta, peas, lentils, rice, potatoes and cereals can be gradually included in the diet during the consolidation phase.
While the first and second stages of the Ducan diet were more or less strict, the third is a place for culinary creativity. Six days a week (except Thursdays) you can eat protein and vegetable dishes and those that are allowed to be added. Thursday should be dedicated only to protein foods - this is a very necessary measure to stabilize weight.
Description of the sample menu of the third stage:
- breakfast:a slice of hard cheese, a slice of whole grain bread, nonfat yogurt, coffee;
- lunch:cottage cheese or casserole;
- dinner:pasta with squid, buckwheat soup with a slice of ham, freshly squeezed juice;
- afternoon snack:apple;
- dinner:baked potatoes with vegetables, a glass of milk.
Step 4 Stabilization
All Ducan stages are focused on weight loss. The stabilization phase already imposes almost no restrictions, but it does mean following some of the rules that Pierre Duka has recommended for life:
- Never eat too much;
- maintain a habit of regular walking or other physical activity;
- Remember to monitor your fluid level (up to 2 liters of water per day);
- Have a protein day once a week.
In addition, there are prohibited foods, including sugar and fructose. It is advisable to avoid moldy cheeses and goat's milk products. It is not recommended to eat a lot of fruit - it is better to limit it to one intake per day. Meat should be eaten only from low-fat varieties and in limited quantities. The menu should be dominated by foods rich in protein and fiber, not fats. Sometimes you are allowed to drink a glass of red wine. It is advisable to completely eliminate other alcohol from the diet, as it stimulates the appetite.
Approved products

During the stabilization phase, you can gradually return to your normal diet, but follow the new diet. Food consumption should always be monitored to prevent weight gain.
Sweets and fizzy drinks should be avoided. It is better to take a closer look at many vegetarian recipes. It is recommended to cook vegetable salads with vegetable sauce, soy sauce or lemon juice without spices.
When the step-by-step weight loss is over, it is already very easy to prepare the right meal, as the allowed food schedule is expanded to the maximum. The main purpose of the stabilization phase is to strengthen a new nutrition system, which will prevent a person from deviating further from the intended path.
Sample menu for the last phase of the day:
- breakfast:a boiled egg, a slice of whole grain bread ham, creamy coffee;
- dinner:crab sticks or chicken casserole;
- dinner:sea fish soup, boiled eggplant;
- afternoon snack:a watermelon or watermelon;
- dinner:seafood julienne, broccoli casserole with cheese, tea.